New online shop for apparel, home and accessories

Kobolt has opened an online Artist Shop at threadless. It contains my own eclectic designs applied to t-shirts and other clothing, home goods and accessories.

I'm not an illustrator with a personal style and a single theme. In fact I'm not an illustrator at all.

I am, however, a graphic designer constantly on the lookout for new ideas. Most of them just pop out of the blue! They end up being fairly diverse and sometimes a little "far out" and I am trying to fit each idea into it's own design rather than attempting a "one style fits all".

My observations and the resulting artwork range from the slightly bizarre to the whimsical and quirky – and occasionally on the darker side of cheerful. 

It is very early days, so visit the shop regularly to see more designs being uploaded as and when they are ready. The shopfront and product shots will be upgraded in time.

Go to:

FREE SHIPPING from now and until 15 December 2017 - terms and conditions apply.

Here are some mockup product images: